Welcome to the Chorlton Ukulele Group (CHUG) website.
Information about the group, downloads of our Songbooks, and upcoming Events are available on this website.
For further information about the group or requests for gigs, then please use the Contact Us link above or email us at chorltonukulele@gmail.com

Friday, 29 October 2021

New revisions of our songbooks

We are pleased to announce the release of a revision of our CHUG Big Songbook (dated 5th June 2021 rev1)

The new version now contains a selection of songs from our Beatles and Rock 'n' Rollers songbooks.

There are also revisions of our Beatles Songbook (dated 31st March 2021 rev1) and our Rock 'N' Rollers Songbook (dated 31st March 2021 rev2)

All our Songbooks can be downloaded from our Songbooks page on our website.

Have fun!
Chorlton Ukulele Team

Thursday, 14 October 2021

CHUG October Update

We would like to give everyone out there an update on CHUG club nights at The Lloyds in Chorlton.

In August, we made the decision to return to playing as a group but with limited numbers to ensure social distancing in the space we have and no face to face singing. This meant that we could not operate on a 'turnup and play' basis due to the potential of too many people and having to turn people away. We introduced a Doodle Poll for people to put their names down for the next session and since then we have managed this list to ensure everyone who puts their name down gets a fair chance of playing.
We started cautiously with numbers but have gradually increased those numbers.

We realise that some of you may still feel uncomfortable about returning to Lloyds at this present time and we have been running the odd zoom session for those people.
We know some people are comfortable coming back as long as there's a level of social distancing and no face to face singing.
We also realise that some of you just want to be able to 'turn up and play' due to not being able to commit until the day.
And I'm sure there are those that are comfortable playing face to face with others.

The decisions we have made on how we are currently running have not been easy for us as we realise that people may have varying views over the current COVID situation, and how playing and singing as a group could be held.
There is nothing more we would like than for things to return to 'normal' where we could operate on a turn up and play basis. However, we will be continuing as we are for now, and continue to review and tweak how we are running on a Thursday until such a point we can return to a 'turn up and play' session.
If you are new to CHUG and are interested in playing with us then please use the Contact form on this website. It would be helpful if you could give us an indication of your playing experience. Please bear in mind, whilst we welcome players of all abilities, we are unable to give lessons on a club night.

Thanks for everyone's continued support and understanding

Chris & Sue
Chorlton Ukulele Group