Welcome to the Chorlton Ukulele Group (CHUG) website.
Information about the group, downloads of our Songbooks, and upcoming Events are available on this website.
For further information about the group or requests for gigs, then please use the Contact Us link above or email us at chorltonukulele@gmail.com

Monday, 28 January 2019

February 2019 Newsletter

Welcome to our February Newsletter and Shiny Sparkling New Songbook.πŸŽΆπŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽˆπŸŽˆπŸŽ†πŸŽ†

After trialling lots of songs over the last few weeks we have settled on 8 new songs for this particular edition to excite your larynxes and repower your strumming arms.

The Songbook can be downloaded from this website.

Thank you for all your suggestions for songs. We have held some of them over to look at again when we undertake the next edition so don't despair if your favourite is not included!

We will be meeting every Thursday in February at 7.30pm at the Lloyds but will debut the new Songbook this Thursday 31st January. So if you get a chance have a strum through the newies and maybe have a look at them on YouTube before Thursday.

We very much hope to see you on Thursday - same time, same place

Chorlton Ukulele Team.

Friday, 4 January 2019

January 2019 Newsletter

Happy New Year!

 Our first meeting of 2019 is on Thursday and we will be meeting at The Lloyds on the following Thursdays throughout January from 7.30pm to 9.30pm: 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th and 31st.

 We have had some suggestions for new songs and we will print off a few copies to share around so we can give them a bash  and see how they go down with the Group before we decide what to include in the next edition of our song book.

 If you have any suggestions for new songs please email a PDF or Word doc to us by 20th January.

 Other News: The Edge have beginners, intermediate and advanced group ukulele classes commencing on 9th January, see their web site for further details www.edgetheatre.co.uk

 If anyone has made a New Year's resolution to practice their ukuleles more, have a look at You Tube, Bernadette Teaches Music 30 day ukulele challenge to keep you on the straight and narrow.

 Here's to a great 2019  and if you haven't been to The Lloyds recently it would be great to see you.