Welcome to the Chorlton Ukulele Group (CHUG) website.
Information about the group, downloads of our Songbooks, and upcoming Events are available on this website.
For further information about the group or requests for gigs, then please use the Contact Us link above or email us at chorltonukulele@gmail.com

Tuesday, 28 August 2018

September 2018 News

Many thanks to everyone who turned up to the Together Dementia Support Family Fun Afternoon. It went very well and we certainly rocked with twenty ukuleles  and voices. The organisers have thanked us for our help and they raised over £2000.

Yesterday we played at The Lloyds the home of CHUG which was a bit of a non event but we had a good strum and sing song and what better way of spending a wet bank holiday Sunday... and a few beers!

We will be meeting on the following Thursdays in Sept at The Lloyds from 7.30pm to 9.30pm: 6th, 13th, 20th and 27th.

Gig news
Sunday 2nd September
We are playing at :
Wilbraham St Ninians Church Hall
Egerton Road South 
Chorlton M210XJ

This is for Chorlton Good Neighbours Afternoon Tea.
 We are playing from 4.20pm to 4.50pm. Please arrive 15 minutes before hand to set up.
The event organiser is called Diane. Sue and Rosemary will be there early so look out for them. We have been told that there is plenty of car parking on Egerton Road South and its also a short 5 mins walk from Chorlton Metrolink Station.

Attached is the playlist for this event. The songs and page numbers refer to the Summer Gig Book.

Monday 3rd September
Central Library
St Peters Square
Manchester M2 5PD

We are playing in one of the Performance Space rooms which are situated to the left of the main entrance hall, behind the media library booths. There is usually a Central Library volunteer or a security person in the entrance hall so ask them if you have any problems finding it. Sue will be there early so look for her. 
We are playing from just after 6pm to 6.35pm as people arrive for John Swain's book launch. Please arrive the usual 15 minutes before hand.
 John invites everyone to stay for the book launch if they want to, and there is plenty of space for family and friends.

Attached is the  songbook for Central Library. We had a play through last week and we will have another run through next week.

Other news
To keep our Thursday evening interesting we are planning to add a few more  songs to the CHUG Big Songbook. If you have any ideas of songs that would be suitable for the group to have a go, at please email and attach any suggestions.

The Edge ukulele lessons start again on Wednesday12th September for a fourteen week term finishing on 12th December. Beginners and intermediate start at 6.30pm to 7.45pm and advanced ukulele starts at 8pm to 9.15pm. Further details and how to book are on The Edge web page.

Saturday 1st December
We have been asked to play at The Lloyds Christmas lights switch on. More details to follow when we get them. We did this last year and it was a good evening. It does mean that we will be practising Christmas songs in November but  I noticed Christmas cards on sale this week so perhaps November isn't too soon to play seasonal songs!

Hope to see you on Thursday and at any of the gigs

Chorlton Ukulele Team

Monday, 13 August 2018

Gig Info Update

This is an update with info on our forthcoming gigs. Please come along to as many as you want , they will be good afternoons out.

Sunday 19th Aug
South West Manchester Cricket Club
Ellesmere Road (off Wilbraham Road)
Chorlton M21 0SG

Together Dementia Support Family Fun Afternoon.
We will now be playing from 2pm as the event opens, so if you could be there from 1.45pm to set up. Chris will be there. The event starts at 2pm and there will be people around to let us in.

Sunday 26th Aug
The Lloyds
Home of CHUG.

We will be playing at the Family Fun Day for about an hour from 4pm. If you could come about 15 minutes before hand to get ready that would be great.

Sunday 2nd Sept
Wilbraham St Ninians Church Hall
Egerton Road South
Chorlton M21 0XJ

Chorlton Good Neighbours Sunday afternoon tea.
There are no changes to the timings of this gig. We will play for thirty minutes from 4.20pm-4.50pm. Sue and Rosemary will be there before hand so look out for them and arrive the usual 15 mins before hand.

Monday 3rd Sept
Central Library
St Peters Square
Manchester M2 5PD

This is for John Swain's book launch who is a member of CHUG so it would be good to support him. All royalties are going to Child Helpline International. We will be playing from 6.05pm - 6.35pm as people enter the event.  Sue will be there from 5.45pm (or even a bit before that). Please arrive 15 minutes before hand to set up.

Date for the diary..... Sam the Manager at The Lloyds has asked if we can play at the Christmas Lights switch on taking place on Saturday 1st December. We did this last year and it was great fun with a visit from Santa and real snow!

Please note on 23rd Aug  we will be playing in the upstairs room at the Lloyd as there is a charity quiz night on in the pub and not the 30th Aug as was stated in the August news email.

Hope to see you on Thursday evening

Sunday, 5 August 2018

August 2018 News


A big thank you to everyone who played at The Christie on Saturday. It was great to take part in their open day and we received some encouraging and positive feedback from the organisers. I've attached a photo that Esther took for us. There is also a short clip on The Christie twitter account 

Gig News
We have the following gigs in the diary. It would be great to see you at any, or all of the gigs.

Sunday 19th Aug we will be playing at:
South West Manchester Cricket Club
Ellesmere Road (off Wilbraham Road)
Chorlton M21 0SG

NB. Please note change of time
This is part of Together Dementia Support Family Fun Afternoon. We will be playing at 2:15pm for approximately 40 minutes. Please arrive at least 20 mins beforehand to set up. Chris will be there from 10am as he's helping set the event up. There's a lot going on so you might want to stay on afterwards to join in. Its £1 entry for non-ukulele players. We will be playing under cover so if it should be showery we will be dry! It will be good to support a very good cause.

Please note that car parking on Ellesmere Road could be difficult. If arriving by Metrolink its approx. a 5minute walk from Chorlton Metrolink stop (on the East Didsbury and Manchester Airport line).

Sunday 26th Aug, 
Sam the manager at The Lloyds has asked if we would take part in their Family Fun Day. This is on the bank holiday Sunday and is raising funds for a Community Fund. It would be for a set of about one hour from 4.30pm. There will be a buffet provided for performers afterwards. The choir that practices there is also doing a slot. If you are available to do this gig please let us know ASAP by email and definitely by Thursday evening (2nd Aug) at the latest as we will have to let Sam know if we have enough players to make it viable for us. We would play the summer gig songbook. We would have to be there 15 mins beforehand to set up. 

We will also mention the gigs we have in September as both of them are at the beginning of the month.

Sunday 2nd September we are playing at:
Wilbraham St Ninians Church Hall
Egerton Road South
Chorlton M21 0XJ

This is for Chorlton Good Neighbours Scheme. We have been told that there is plenty of car parking on Egerton Road South, and its about a 5 min walk from Chorlton Metrolink stop.

We will be playing for 30 mins from 4.20pm to 4.50pm. Please arrive 15 to 20 mins beforehand to set up. Sue and Rosemary will be there early so look out for them. The event organiser is called Diane.

Monday 3rd September we’re playing at:
Central Library
St Peters Square 
Manchester M2 5PD

This is a special event, as it’s a book launch for a book written by our own CHUG member John Swain. The book is called "Smithy is" and it’s about a boy growing up in Leeds and the issues he faces. All royalties from the book are going to Child Helpline International. We will be playing for 30 mins from 6.15pm to 6.45pm as people arrive for the book launch. Please arrive 20 mins beforehand to set up. Sue will be there early so look out for her. It will be great to support John on this special evening. We will incorporate some songs from childhood into our playlist which should b fun.

Other Ukulele News
Uke-a-Bay 2018 is taking place on 10th to 12th August in Colwyn Bay. This festival is in its fifth year and is a free event. See their website for more details, 

CHUG has got very busy lately. Many thanks for your continued support especially giving your time to do the gigs (they are good fun!!).

We will be meeting on the following Thursdays in August from 7.30pm to 9.30pm at The Lloyds 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th.
Please note on the 30th Aug we will be in the upstairs room as there is a quiz night on to raise funds for the Community Fund

Hope to see you on Thursday evening

Chorlton Ukulele Team