We will be meeting as usual at the Lloyd on Thursday 29th March from 7.30pm.
We thought we would include some ukulele events that are taking place this year:
- The new term of beginners, intermediate and advanced ukulele classes that many of our group go to start again on Wednesday 18th April at the Edge Theatre and Arts Centre. These classes are a great way to learn and improve your ukulele playing and are good fun.
- The Grand Northern Ukulele Festival is on in Huddersfield. Weekend tickets for 12th to 13th May are still available. If you haven't been to a ukulele festival go to this! There are various workshops and lots of top notch ukulele acts as well as lots of ukuleles to buy [or just look at or envy).
- The Uke Express 2nd to 4th November is leaving Pickering and steaming along the North York Moors heritage railway to Whitby. Return trips are £40 including songbook.
- Christmas is certainly not on our radar at the moment but its worth mentioning the Big Christmas Ukulele Party at the Hilton Hotel in Blackpool on Saturday 8th December as it is a popular event. Save money by buying a day ticket and booking your own accommodation early. You might even get to stay in the Hilton where it is being held.
- Details of the above two events is available at worldofukes.co.uk
Hope you come and join us on Thursday.
Chorlton Ukulele Team