Welcome to the Chorlton Ukulele Group (CHUG) website.
Information about the group, downloads of our Songbooks, and upcoming Events are available on this website.
For further information about the group or requests for gigs, then please use the Contact Us link above or email us at chorltonukulele@gmail.com

Friday, 22 September 2017

Another excellent evening!

Thanks to everyone who turned up last night, and great to see some new faces. Another really enjoyable session...

Both songbooks have been updated with the tweaks that came out from last night's session, and are available from the Songbooks link.

We've also added in two new songs to Book 2, Valerie and Five Foot Two Medley, so get practicing!

If you have any suggestions for songs then could you please let us know via the Contact Form or email us, preferably with either an attachment with the song or a link to where we can find it.


Friday, 1 September 2017

Songbook updated!

Hi all

I have worked on the starts and ends and incorporating these into the latest version of the songbook (available from the Songbook link on this website.
I feel we're almost there with most songs, but a bit of fine tuning is always needed!!

Everyone, will have an opinion of how the song should sound, as each of us may play it differently with different ukulele groups or want to play it as originally played.

If we all play the start, middle and end together then that will be fantastic!

I'm also aware that the chord diagrams have converted rather strangely in places, so I will get round to sorting those out at some point.

See you next Thursday


Update from last night

Thanks to everyone who came to Lloyds last night; another very enjoyable session, and great to see some new faces.

We have had words with Lloyds regarding reserving tables in, what has become, "our usual corner". Therefore, next week we should be back in the usual place.

It was good to try out a couple of new songs last night, and we would like you to bring along one song you would like to include in a second book of songs we would like to put together.
Apologies if this sounds obvious, but please play the song before you bring it to ensure you can show the rest of us how it goes if anyone is unfamiliar with it.

Either suggest them via the usual email address or via the contact form on this website or bring along enough paper copies to share round.

We will give them a go and if the majority of players want it in, then it will go in! Of course the reverse of that is that it may not go in unfortunately.
